Magicfly Portable Wireless Doorbell Kit Update

Magicfly portable wireless doorbell kit is one of the best doorbells that actually have an operating range of one thousand feet. It doesn’t require any batteries for the receiver, unlike other doorbells.

It is black and matches many doors hence can suit any home. Why is this doorbell perfect for you?  This doorbell is perfect for you because it doesn’t consume a lot of power which is less than twelve volts and comes with elegant melodies that are more 200 ringtones and in addition, it is easy to use.

The doorbell has such amazing materials that prevent it from overheating which is a characteristic that lacks in other doorbells.

The ring tone it’s audible and has a stable wireless transmitting range that ranges from 200 meters and 300 meters at an open area. Read on to see the features of this doorbell

Elegant Melodies

This doorbell has elegant melodies which are ringtones and they are not annoying when you ring the doorbell. They can easily be heard and the volume ranges from 11db to 50db. There are various melodies so you can choose one of them according to your liking.

Quality materials

This doorbell is built up with materials that are excellent for heating. They prevent high temperatures that may cause interference and the ability of the doorbell to work well hence it ensures smooth running.

It is also black with an elegant look that suits many door homes. This doorbell is also waterproof to make sure that it is not affected by coldness, wetness, or any water conditions. Again, it is easy to handle it with or without water you can still handle.

Easy To Use And Also Install

The doorbell is easy to install especially plugging the receiver. It is also a simple job to change the setting of the excellent melodies. This doorbell is convenient for everyone because of its simplicity and ease of handling.

It has double side stickers that you can use to install them if it is temporary. This doorbell is a long life time server and it can’t be easily destroyed. It also brags of super power saving method since it uses less than 12 volts.

Range and Warranty

This doorbell has an operating range of 1000 feet range with over fifty chimes, and no battery is required for the receiver.

The product also comes with a one-year warranty. This means that if it stops working, you can return the product for exchange but within the warranty provided.

>>> Click Here To See Specifications, Customer Reviews & Rating <<<



  • It is easy to install
  • It has waterproof capabilities hence it is not affected by weather conditions
  • Made of excellent materials that prevent overheating or high temperatures
  • Has a super saving power mode and uses less than twelve volts
  • It is durable and has a long life without getting destroyed
  • Elegant melodies accompany it
  • Doesn’t require any batteries


  • The manual can be confusing and lack more information
  • Only one traditional doorbell sound

Frequently asked questions

Q: Can this doorbell work on different channels? Like one doorbell rings one receiver, but not both?

A: You can program different ring tones for each doorbell

Q: Can you limit how long a particular melody goes on?

A: Yes you can limit for about 1-2 seconds only you can limit the timing of the melody, but you could change it with different tones by adjusting the learning code

Q: is it affected by the weather?

A: It is waterproof and is not affected by the weather or waters hence no interference.

>>> See More Questions and Answers <<<

Final Verdict

The magical doorbell has certain features that caught my eye such as it doesn’t require any batteries for the receivers.

Additionally, the two receivers are in the kit and have an affordable price. This doorbell is pretty easy to set up; the two receivers just need to be plugged in and the transmitter placed by the front door.

Another thing that I like about this doorbell is the volume deepening, and you can choose the level you want, and it has 52 melodies.

Overall, I’m pleased with this product and l would recommend this product to many users who are looking for an affordable doorbell.

David Echols

David Echols

I am David Echols working with I and my team of experts have been working in the security industry for 10 years and have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to doorbells, security cameras, video doorbells, door chimes, intercom doorbells, and others. My team is confident in their ability to provide helpful reviews and blog content that will assist readers in resolving security issues in their homes and offices. Honestly speaking, they are passionate about helping people to find the right security solution for their home or office. In this blog article, we discuss some new gadgetry that can be used to improve indoor security. If you're looking for some new gadgetry to improve your home security, then David Echols is definitely the person to ask! Our Areas of Expertise Home security products, Smart home devices.

  1. Hi,
    Can you tell me how to change the channel/frequency of the doorbell please? Mine keeps going off randomly & I can only assume someone else nearby has a similar 1.


    • Here is your answer just reply me. To change the channel or frequency on the Magicfly Portable Wireless Doorbell Kit, follow these general steps:

      Turn off the doorbell: Unplug or remove the batteries from both the transmitter (the button you press) and the receiver (the chime unit).

      Access the frequency settings:
      Transmitter: Open the casing of the transmitter (usually the back part), and you should find a small set of DIP switches or a frequency pair button. These switches or buttons control the frequency.
      Receiver: Similarly, open the back of the chime unit to locate the matching frequency switches or button.

      Change the frequency:
      If your model uses DIP switches, toggle the switches to a new combination (e.g., flip one switch up and another down). Ensure the same combination is set on both the transmitter and receiver.
      If your model has a button for frequency pairing, press and hold the button (either on the transmitter or receiver) to reset the pairing process. Then press the button on the other unit to pair them on a different frequency.

      Test the connection: Once you’ve made the changes, put the units back together, reinsert the batteries or plug them in, and test the doorbell by pressing the transmitter button.

      This should change the frequency and stop interference from other nearby doorbells. Check your user manual for model-specific instructions, as the exact process may vary.

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